Your New Year’s IT Resolutions

Thinking of joining a gym? Giving up crisps? Spending less money? Everyone always chooses the same new year’s resolutions, but here’s some ideas on how you could focus your goals on IT and technology. Some are very simple to achieve, and we would recommend them to everyone…

Change your passwords

This is the perfect time of year to overhaul your online passwords. Remember, the most vulnerable aspect of a network’s security is its users. No offence. If you’re still using passwords like FOOTBALL and 123456, then it’s a wonder you haven’t been hacked already. You should change your password regularly and have a different word for each account. How will you remember them all? Try our handy system for creating and recalling multiple passwords for different websites. You can read all about it here.

Back up your data

If you’re not doing this already, then data backup should be your number one new year’s resolution. There are a variety of ways to backup data, each with its own merits and disadvantages. You could have your server back up to a portable hard drive which is removed from the premises every night by a member of staff, or you could store magnetic data tapes in a fire-proof safe. Alternatively, there’s always the cloud. Talk to your IT support company about what the best backup solution for you and your business.

Get fit with tech

The most difficult thing about setting yourself fitness goals in the new year is sticking to them once February arrives. Technology can help with that. Wearables such as Fitbits and smart watches can help you to track your activity, set goals and monitor your progress. Just don’t share all that progress on social media afterwards. People hate that.

Learn a new skill / program

There’s a lot to be said for proactive and positive resolutions as opposed to simply giving something up or doing something less. People might say they’re going to take up a sport or learn a language. Well, why not try your hand at a new IT skill? Maybe you’ve always wanted to dabble in video editing? How about learning a bit about Photoshop? Ever wondered about Access databases? Or maybe it’s something simpler, like mastering Excel or Powerpoint? Some basic internet coding? Getting your head around something new in IT is a great mental workout and will earn you some useful skills.


At 3840 × 2160 pixels, 4K is most definitely the best new year’s resolution. (Sorry, we couldn’t resist).

Digital Detox

While we’re huge fans of technology here at Saqqara, we have to agree that sometimes it feels like our gadgets have the power to consume us. Why not try having one day at the weekend without using the internet? Go screen-free and see what it does for your stress levels. Another top tip is to ban mobile phones from the bedroom – that blue light will be affecting your quality of sleep!

Improve your DSE safety

We hate to sound like an employees’ handbook, but if you work at a desk all day, we’d advise you to read our top tips on screen health. Forcing yourself to take regular breaks and adjusting your workspace accordingly can avoid issues such as RSI and headaches.

We hope you find some of these ideas helpful for your list of resolutions. The new year is also a good time to give your home PC a bit of a tune up. Read our guide on how to speed up your machine in 9 easy steps.

Talk to Saqqara IT

Contact us today to see how we can look after your IT and telecoms – so you can get on with running your business.

0330 223 2949