Continuing business productivity through Corona Virus

Whether we wish it or not, the Corona Virus will have an impact on us all. We hope that we are not directly affected by illness, but it is likely that our businesses will need to make adjustments in order to be effective and continue to be successful, despite this global event.

Enable your people to work remotely

The most pressing concern to face businesses in the early stages of the outbreak is to ensure that staff can work from home. It is essential that this is thoughtfully worked out, and that all users are supplied with a company device. If there are not enough laptops within an organisation, it is possible to hire for a specified period, incorporating MS office 365 so that users are able to communicate effectively.

Work as if in the office

By ensuring that users have access to programmes such as Microsoft Teams, the organisation can function as if workers are in the office. Microsoft Teams allows for internal communications, meetings, screen sharing and calls. The burden of using personal or work mobile phones can be eliminated by renting a hosted temporary phone system (3CX) and diverting main numbers and DDI’s. The telephony software can be loaded on to each remote laptop and your customer experience will remain the same, as if you were office based. (Please note that this advice will depend on the individuals home supplier, as some of these may not support Microsoft Teams).

Keep it secure

Make sure every home machine has up to date licensed anti-virus software which is set to update hourly and scan all files.

Rent don’t buy to reduce costs

Home working in this instance is hopefully a temporary measure. We would advise that equipment such a laptops, phone systems and printers are rented to reduce costs.

Don’t delay, talk to us to get set up!

It may be that organisations need to move incredibly swiftly to ensure that remote working is safe and effective. We can assess your requirements very quickly, and will advise on the best course of action, with the least impact to the business. Please contact us to decide the best way forward for your staff.

0330 223 2949